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The Game Story Project

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Game Story? Is it a sequel to Toy Story the movie? The short answer is NO. The long answer is .....

Well, this is a card-game engine that allows dynamic plug-in of players and rules. As long as the plug-in is written conforming to the Game Story API, it can be loaded into the engine, competing against other players, computerized and human alike. Game Story the project, however, only provides the engine and rules, not the players. At this moment, the game of choice is a Chinese card game called Big2. You can find the rules here. As the project gets big, the list of games will be expanded.

You ask, isn't the most interesting stuff in the player? Yes. And Yes, without the players, Game Story becomes a pretty boring project. And here's how I plan to spice it up ..........

I am going to hold a Contest in which people write computerized players to compete against each other. And the prizes will (naturally) go to the people who write the best computerized players.

So you say, Game Story is a contest ....... Well, with a twist ......

Every play in every game will be recorded in a Database. What am I going to do with this potentially huge amount of data? Well, here comes the deepest motivations and the most intriguing reasons for doing this project. If you're interested, read on .....

Game Story is both a Contest and a Database. It NEEDS your participation. Come here to see how you can help. And don't forget to join our mailing lists.